Campus Banner Poles

Campus banner poles are used for communicating UBC messaging in public outdoor spaces. They play an important role in projecting the appropriate image for the university to the campus community and visitors.

A view of campus banners on University Way Protocol

While primarily reserved for institutional brand messaging, occasionally, banner poles become available.

UBCO’s banner pole protocol governs and manages access to these poles and the banner design due to their:

  • high visibility
  • limited supply
  • role in animating the public realm of the university


Guiding Principles

  1.  Only faculties and administrative units at UBCO can access banner pole space.
  2.  Priority will be given to campus-wide messages and initiatives (e.g., Graduation, Every Child Matters).
  3.  Banner pole messages and designs must adhere to UBC brand guidelines.
  4.  Commercial content is prohibited (e.g., corporate logos, messages or offers).
  5.  Uniformity of design and message should be applied across each zone as outlined in the campus banner map, where possible.
  6.  Faculties and administrative units must cover the costs of banner production, installation and removal.
  7.  UBCO reserves the right to temporarily remove banners for the purposes of filming or other obligations.

Costs and Locations

There are three banner zones and two subzones that can be booked.


UBC Okanagan does not charge for campus banner design or space, but there are costs associated with the printing, installation, and removal of the banners.

  • Installation: approximately $72 per banner (including removal)
  • Printing: varies between $75-$120 per banner depending on quantity. Costs may be higher for subzones due to lower print quantities.
Zone A Zone B Zone C All Zones
Number of Banners 50 24 20 94
Printing $4,500 $2,900 $2,600 $7,150
Installation/Removal $3,600 $1,728 $1,440 $6,768
TOTAL $8,100 $4,628 $4,040 $13,918

Costs may vary and are subject to change. Tax and shipping costs for banners are not included.

Blackout Periods

The following time periods are typically unavailable for banner pole campaigns:

  • First two weeks of June
  • Between September 1-October 15
  • Between December 1-March 1 (Note: these dates may change and are weather-dependent)

Application Process

Complete the banner pole application at least four months prior to desired installation dates.


Review Process

University Relations will:

  • review applications for alignment with guiding principles
  • prioritize applications in consultation with stakeholders
  • inform applicants of the status of their request (i.e., approved, rejected or suggested an alternate time period)


Contact University Relations if you have questions regarding banner poles.

Removal and Storage

At the end of the approved campaign timeline, Facilities Management will remove the banners and deliver them to the applicant’s identified storage location.

Faculties or administrative units are responsible for storing their banners when not in use.

Units are encouraged to be green—reuse or dispose banners in an environmentally sustainable manner.