Brian Powell
Flags at UBC Okanagan will be lowered on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, in memory of Brian Powell, Educational Consultant, Learning Technologies Projects and Strategies with the Centre for Teaching and Learning, who passed away on April 17 in Kelowna. Our sincere condolences to Brian’s family, friends and colleagues. A Celebration of Life was held on […]
For shíshálh Nation
The Canada, BC, Okanagan Nation Alliance and UBC flags at UBC Okanagan, and the Canada flag (at Flag Pole Plaza) and the BC, Musqueam and UBC flags (temporarily relocated to the East Mall Entrance and Plaza at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre) on the UBC Vancouver campus are lowered until sunset on Sunday, April 23, […]
Dr. Aisha Ravindran
Flags at UBC Okanagan will be lowered on Wednesday, March 15, 2023, in memory of Dr. Aisha Ravindran, Associate Professor of Teaching, who passed away on March 8 in Kelowna. Our sincere condolences to Dr. Ravindran’s family, friends and colleagues. The Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies is hosting a Celebration of Life on Wednesday, […]